Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Official Leave of Absence

Hallo folks, you may have noticed the absence of posts. Real life has jumped on me and made me pretty busy. My birthday was two days ago, I am packing for college, and my brother is getting married on Friday, and I am his best man and all... busy busy bust. And now I am going to school. For the next week or two, posts will be sporadic at best, absent at worst. I hope you will indulge me with some patience.
For all of you Red Rain readers, I invite you to read my now completed story: Caesar the Troll. It has received some high marks from all readers it has, and many people who haven't. Once I have adapted to school schedules, I should resume posting regularly.
Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. *sends a care package of patience and cupcakes to David*

    May God bless all your busyness and your transition into school! Can't wait to hear how college is. :)
