Today, on my goal to writing the rest of the second draft by the end of January, I pushed out 2,022 words before I could feel quality draining away from my writing. Since second draft stuff has to be good I am quitting now.
Now to see who has gained the most credit for today's words by prodding me throughout the day.
The score was divided among four participants, which is not bad for day one.
Faith B. was first to prod me today, claiming (I am making up rules as I go along) 100 words automatically before they are divided. That means she claims a total of 580.5 words.
The other three (Elise P., Andrew A., and Sharkey) each claimed 480.5 words.
I do not think I will give bonus credit for first, tomorrow, though. I will probably make up something each day that deserves credit. Welcome to how I run contests when they are fueled by what is left of my creativity after doing nothing but school, eat, homework, and write all day. (Oh yeah, I also researched law schools today. Talk about daunting. The median GPA at these places is a 3.9? how do you even get a 4.23 at a regular college? Mind blown).
Also, important note: Aubrey and I are still working out a prize. I'll make sure you get something cool.
Other note: I checked again today and it is looking like 50,000 may have been about double as many words as I will actually need to finish the draft. Aubrey has handled more of the writing in the second half of the story (with Philli's perspective) than Philli covered in the first draft, so I (as the writer of Q) do not need to do as much. I am still going to try to push for about 2,000 a day though until I am done.
Time to go do something unproductive and pointless for a bit before going to bed. It was a good day.
Good job, David!